Black Sheep (15) Feast of Love (15) Gypsy Caravan: When The Road Bends Day Watch (Dnevnoy dozor) (15)

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This Week

FilmExposed is an online magazine with a full-on indie remit that focuses on the best in UK + World independent filmmaking. It is written by some of the best film journalists, and cinephiles who have a passion for - and discerning taste - in cinema. We are totally committed to leading our readers astray, enticing them off the mainstream path as we give our ink to all that's indie, arthouse, and weird; to films that challenge, provoke, outrage and entertain. And FilmExposed is unique in that we provide a dedicated space for much needed 'critical ink' for new and emerging talent. If you're a filmmaker and you would like to expose yourself in our SCREENING ROOM, please DROP US A LINE for more info. Currently screening is the trailer for Timur Bekmambetov's second instalment of his fantasy 'Watch' epics DAY WATCH, where the Protectors of Light and Lords of Darkness battle it out to get their hands on the Chalk of Fate. A non gamstop casino is ideal for those who want to experience a wide variety of games while benefiting from fast payouts and special promotions.

Safest Betting Sites Out on Friday October 5th, the Protectors of Light and Lords of Darkness battle it out to get their hands on the Chalk of Fate in Timur Bekmambetov's second instalment of his epic fantasy DAY WATCH; Morgan Freeman is a semi-retired professor who spends his days sorting out his lovelorn neighbours FEAST OF LOVE; an aging singer embarks on a love affair with a young woman with bittersweet consequences for them both in Xavier Giannoli's THE SINGER; showing at the ICA, London, Jasmine Dellal tours the musical world of the Roma in GYPSY CARAVAN: WHEN THE ROAD BENDS; and in Features, director XAVIER GIANNOLI talks to FilmExposed about the making of THE SINGER.

Enjoy the films!
Sandi Chaitram

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